2 Years of Night

two years of night

to hell and back

concealed within

the devil’s handshake

we race with the bullet

down the barrel

of the gun


be the light

that welcomes

the dawn

Commemorating the 2nd Anniversary of the Great Californian Perma-Lockdown 3/13/20-3/13/22

Bloom in a New Land

It’s like God
just reached
right inside you
and touched
your soul
caressed it
stroked it
like the side
of the head
of a young child

you look up
with wide eyes
reassured that
everything in this
life is right and
everything beyond
this life will also
be right then just
as quickly it disappears
like a whisper in wind

leaving you to
wonder if you
heard what you
heard you go
through your life
craving to feel
that feeling again
and over time
you have doubt

but even now
though the wind
has carried it
a thousand miles
away I can still
hear that whisper
and I always will

I lit a fire
in the darkness
so that I might
find my way
I gathered seeds
in the desert
so that they might
bloom in a new land