Gingerbread Clown Riot

Chapter One

It was raining like a rainstorm. The water outside on the pavement was wet.

Coffee in a distant kitchen was churgling.

Joe’s alarm clock ended his sleep and he went into an immediate panic.

He regretted placing the Saran Wrap over the glass salad bowl tight as a drum,

secured with a rubber band. Why, oh why had he not used two rubber bands!

Opening the refrigerator his greatest fear was realized.

The single rubber band had broken and the Saran Wrap no longer provided an airtight seal

over the glass salad bowl. He removed the glass salad bowl from the refrigerator to examine it.

The leaf of Romaine lettuce on top had wilted slightly under the lack of airtightness as Joe’s horror

continued to grow worse. He gently moved to eliminate that leaf of Romain lettuce, but changed his mind

and threw the entire glass salad bowl out the window. He then threw the refrigerator out the window.

Saladless, later that day at his job in the missile silo he sat on a porcupine and initiated a complete launching

of the planet’s nuclear arsenal ending the world.

In the lone surviving “Space station” orbiting the moon coffee churgled.

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